Elections not auctions

It’s time to require donor registration, or eliminate the Federal Elections Commission

Candidates are turning in data that hides donors names. The FEC isn’t doing anything about it. All donations are self reported– and candidates can’t even spell their donors names right sometimes reporting the same person, multiple times with multiple spellings. This is no way to provide critical information to the public.

One of the things you should know about running against Mike Turner- he’s vindictive. I was told multiple times, “I’d love to donate to you, I can’t stand Turner but…”

I’ve been suing the FBI and the DOJ to release tapes that were played to the Grand Jury that would show that Nan Whaley “is dirty” (exact words of a grand juror). I’ve even tried to use the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to request information concerning a dead guy- as a participant in the “Culture of Corruption” investigation.

The response from the Feds and the Courts (after 3 years) is that a “GloMar” response is appropriate, to “protect their privacy. They cite FOIA exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), 5 U.S.C. §§ 552 9b)(6) and (b)(7)(C).

The fact that the FBI knew that Dayton City Commissioner Joey D. Williams had committed a felony in office, and was allowed to become a “CHS” (Confidential Human Source) and stand for re-election shows that our elections aren’t sacred– that the Federal Government is willing to look the other way at crimes by politicians- including the bogus reporting of donations from “ActBlue” as both Amy Cox and Sherrod Brown have done, and donations from “WinRed” for J.D. Vance.

I believe my donors are entitled to privacy. Therefore, if the FEC wants to see the records, I demand that the FOIA exception of privacy of public officials involved in corruption be ended. Glomar was for National Security- not to cover the asses of our elected criminal element.

THE 2022 Campaign Inequity

If in doubt, vote for the candidate who hasn’t been bought by the wealthy.

OHIO 10th Congressional District

David Esrati

David Esrati – D


0 Billionaire Donors



Mike Turner

Mike Turner – R

OHIO House of Representatives 40th District

Amy Cox

Amy Cox – D

< $1,000



Rodney Creech

Rodney Creech – R



OHIO House of Representatives 70th District

Eric Price – D




Brian Lampton – R



OHIO House of Representatives 36th District

Addison Caruso – D




Andrea White – R



OHIO House of Representatives 37th District

Meg Overman – D (WRITE IN)




Tom Young – R



Leronda Jackson (OH-39), Willis Blackshear Jr (OH-39), Dr. James Duffee (OH-71), Nancy Kiehl (write in- OH Senate 5) were all invited to participate. For a Complete Slate card for the District including all Democratic candidates and issues, see SlateCard

How Did We Get Here?


American Legislative Exchange Council

Koch brothers begin funding ALEC. The money is used to influence local, state, and federal elections over the whole country.


Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission

A 2010 Supreme Court decision that further tilted political influence toward wealthy donors and corporations.


Ohio Issue 1

Ohio Issue 1 passes with 75% of the vote to end gerrymandering.


Ohio Redistricting Commission Fails

August 2, 2022
August 2, 2022

2nd Primary 2022

Costing $20 million and with record-low turnout, Ohio holds a second primary because of delays by the Redistricting Commission.

November 8, 2022
November 8, 2022

Election Day

Ohio voters come out to Funk the System and stop allowing Special interests and the wealthy to control our State